Create Utility Classes to Modify Stripe Appearance
In this lesson, we're going to create modifier utility classes that alter the way the stripe's appearance.
We want stripes that can be white and also stripes that are angled the other way
We have four different demo elements and you can see new classes in there: .stripes-white
and `.stripes-reve
0:00 In this lesson, we're going to create modifier utility classes that change the way the stripes look. We want stripes that can be white, and we also want stripes that are angled the other way so the lines go like this instead of how they do right now.
0:13 We have four different demo elements here. You can see new classes in there -- stripes-white and stripes-reverse -- which are the modifiers that we want to create. They don't exist yet, but the class is already in place.
0:25 At the bottom of the CSS file, I've created a new block for the utilities layer. These two classes are here ready to be populated.
0:32 Your challenge is to make this class make the stripes white, and make this class make the stripes reversed.