Multi-Theme Tailwind 16 exercises

Moving CSS Variable Declarations into a Tailwind CSS Plugin

Now that we have the plugin working, let’s move our theming strategy into it.


For this challenge, you're going to take the CSS variable declarations in the CSS file here:

[data-theme="base"] {
--primary-50: 238 242 255;
--primary-100: 224 231 255;
--primary-200: 208 215

Loading exercise


0:00 Now that we have a working plugin, let's move our theming strategy into the plugin. For this challenge, you're going to take the CSS variable declarations in the CSS file here, and move them to the config file inside our plugin.

0:14 You can replace this text transform uppercase Hello World and put the declarations here. Remember you need to use the CSS in JavaScript syntax, so you'll need to do a bit of formatting. Good luck.