Multi-Theme Tailwind 16 exercises

Next Steps for Theming Tailwind CSS Apps

Congratulations! You've completed the multi-theme strategy module.

We're only just scratching the surface of what you can do with the Tailwind plugin API, or even with the theming strategy.

Right now, we're only changing theme colors.

What else could you do next with this plugin?

You could imple

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0:00 You've completed the multi-theme strategy module. Congratulations. We're only just scratching the surface of what you can do with the Tailwind plugin API, or even with the theming strategy. What would you do next with this plugin?

0:11 Here's some food for thoughts. Right now, we're only changing theme colors. Perhaps, you could implement theming tokens for border-radius, shadows, font families. The approach for that would be very similar to what we have done.

0:23 You'd create CSS variables that holds the values you'd need for each theme. You do that at the root scope, and then the theme scope. Then you'd extend the Tailwind config theme object with utilities that consume those variables.

0:36 You can use your new superpower of combining CSS variables with the Tailwind plugin API to achieve just about any theming customizations you can think of.

0:46 I hope you enjoyed this module. Thank you so much for your support. I will see you around the Internet or, hopefully, maybe in real life one day. Have a great day.